Baton Rouge man set adrift in Bermuda Triangle on Nat Geo’s ‘The Raft’


A Baton Rouge wildlife wrangler went adrift on open water in the Bermuda Triangle for an upcoming episode of “The Raft,” a National Geographic reality show. Carter Lambert’s attempt, which he shared with professional fisherman Aaron Crum from Hastings, Fla., will premiere Sunday, May 3.

The show’s basis is fairly simple: Two people climb aboard a raft without food or water and are set adrift for several days to see how they’d survive. It’s an emotionally and physically taxing endeavor, and in Lambert’s episode, difficulty really sets in when the pair’s water desalinator breaks, making it impossible to get fresh water.

The episode will premiere on NatGeo at 9 p.m. on Sunday, but watch a preview clip below.